Welcome to my blogsite!
My website, www.paxtonphoto.com has served me well as a web-based photography portfolio. Yet as much as I value verbal communication, my website photos were posted free from captions and context in hopes that they would speak for themselves. My attempts to describe my business approach were awkward at best. Yet there are some nearly hidden commentaries on my site (see if you can find my rattlesnake story) where text and image seem to reinforce each other. I have wanted to do more of that. My site mostly shows portraits of people I photograph once. I avoid candid shots, including events (which I love doing) and certainly avoid family pictures, however compelling. Furthermore, on my site I claim to show my subjects looking "vital and connected".
But I have a contrary streak - I like to test my assumptions and do the different. So here is a photo of family, looking disconnected, spaced-out. Well, we were in California... and had been in the presence of the world's 5th largest tree for almost an hour. Had it been the first, second or third largest, there would have been a parking lot and numerous tourists, but here nobody else invaded the solitude. My son and daughter may still be contemplating the massive girth of the Stagg Tree. Julia, my son's sweetheart seems to have moved her attention from the tree to him. I have essentially disappeared from everyone's awareness, which is often a good thing for a photographer.
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